—About CAGR UI
Background to the Center for Applied Geography Research
PPGT was formed on April 11 1995 based on the Decree of the Dean of FMIPA UI No.052/PT02.H4.FMIPA/C/1989 concerning the Structure and Organizational Chart of FMIPA UI which was adapted to the PP. 5 of 1980 and Minister of Education and Culture Decree No. 0130/0/1983, and the FMIPA UI Senate Meeting on April 10 1995 concerning Ratification of the Proposal to Establish an Applied Geography Research Center, which is part of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia.
The Center for Applied Geography Research (PPGT) was established as a research institution to carry out its mission to meet the needs of academics and the wider community in seeking answers and making decisions on increasingly complex spatial problems in the human environment, both from a physical and non-physical perspective. And by relying on and following the increasingly rapid development of Geographic Information Systems technology.
The Center for Applied Geography Research has 4 principles in carrying out its mission, namely:
- Developing new applications of the discipline of geography for the purposes of regional analysis to support development planning and environmental management;
- Providing a group of experts in the field of spatial science, developing the use and exchange of spatial information and related technology;
- Providing spatial experts to support the effectiveness of research and development activities that have a spatial perspective;
- Connecting geographic knowledge and technology with market needs.