Welcome to CAGR-UI
(Center for Applied Geography Research)
The Center for Applied Geography Research (CAGR) was established as a research institution to carry out its mission to meet the needs of academics and the wider community in seeking answers and making decisions on increasingly complex spatial problems in the human environment, both from a physical and non-physical perspective. And by relying on and following the increasingly rapid development of Geographic Information Systems technology.

Areas of Research

Geospatial Technology and Ecosystem Development
Our research supports various stakeholders in building a healthy national geospatial ecosystem putting technology, innovation and services at the forefront of Indonesia’s growing geospatial marketplace. We facilitates collaboration to help geospatial innovators, users and industry players to find their place in the ecosystem.

Geospatial Knowledge Base and GeoAI
With a large pool of students and faculties from various science disciplines at the University of Indonesia, we work with geo information and knowledge producers to build open platform to store geospatial knowledge on Indonesia to feed various GeoAI applications for sustainable development.

Forest, Land Use, Coastal and Urban Resilience
Indonesia’s Forests and coastal landscapes store and absorb carbon emissions critical to mitigating climate crises. Our deep knowledge on land use and land cover dynamics supported by field sites enables us to help government, communities and private sectors to build resilient systems.